Change How Your Body Ages with Spermidine Infusions
Spermidine is a polyamine that is found in almost every cell in the body. Spermidine activates cellular renewal and ensures that your cell health is maintained.
Longevity Begins With Your Cells
Spermidine is essential for our life and controls numerous physiological processes such as cell growth, cell differentiation and gene repair.
Over the course of our lives, “cellular waste” can accumulate, making our cells tired and slow. As this progresses, we begin to age on a cellular level. Healthy cellular aging is the key to maintaining healthy cellular function at any age!
Clean your Cells, Renew Your life
Through a process called autophagy, it is possible to rejuvenate damaged cells and boost overall cellular function. There are several molecules used to stimulate cell renewal, but research has shown that Spermidine continues to be a promising way to help our bodies promote normal autophagy. Autophagy is the body’s natural response to remove or repair old broken-down cells that are no longer functioning.
Spermidine may even extend our lifespan.
At the cellular level, spermidine achieves increased metabolic fitness as well as revitalization and restoration of the function of the mitochondria- the power plant energy production for our cells.
Prevention of oxidative stress of brain cells and functional enhancement of brain cells through increased synaptic plasticity.
Initiation of autophagy – degradation, and removal of aged cells. Regulation and initiation of natural cell death (apoptosis).
Significant reduction in inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and also in the central nervous system.
Aesthetic: promote healthy hair, skin, and nail growth.
Helps maintain healthy stem cell production and cellular repair.
Improve how our body ages, and slow the aging process both internally and externally.
Improve both male/female fertility.
What To Expect During the Infusion: This infusion will be administered at your location of choice, with no discomfort and unwanted symptoms.
Duration of Treatment: 45 -60 Minutes
What else can be administered with this treatment: Based on your specific health goals, it is best to speak with Megan regarding your individualized treatment plan to experience the best results.
Cost of Treatment: $1000/infusion 20mg/ Infusion
Frequency: 2-3 treatments/month for 3 months
This therapy will be noticed with time.
Secure your treatment today:
Email today to schedule your Spermidine infusion.